Far Side Virtual Worlds
Far Side Virtual is a studio album by the American electronic musician James Ferraro, released on October 25, 2011 by the record label Hippos in Tanks. Inspired by goofy junk like the Brian Eno-composed Windows 95 sound and the melodies that kick out of a keyboard when you punch 'demo,' Far Side Virtual is a.
My copy has different runouts, they're hand etched and has a United Pressings signature. HIT-013-A (U) HIT-013-B (U) Nothing else. Magna carta psp english patch. Update: a new entry was made.
Far Side Virtual Youtube
Owners, check your copy's runouts and change releases when necessary. Sellers: I'm still not sure if this entry is UK/Euro, but if you're acquired it on Boomkat, Genepool or on any local European store, it's mostly likely it's this release. If you acquired it in the US, and directly from 11spot webstore, it's almost certain it's the other release.