Cd Manu Chao La Radiolina

Cd Manu Chao La Radiolina 8,5/10 7861 reviews

Product Description One of the most enigmatic and exciting figures in world music, Manu Chao makes each new release an event, via both his fiery, ever-expanding musical repertoire and his larger-than-life rebel persona. LA RADIOLINA is the singer's fourth solo album following the break-up of his Clash-inspired punk act Mano Negra, and it's as musically polyglot as the artist's multi-lingual tongue. Singing capably in Spanish, French, English, and Italian, among other languages, Chao brings a genuine worldliness to his music that goes far beyond mere multi-cultural lip service.

  1. Manu Chao Tour Dates

Originally released in 2007. ' Manu Chao makes music that cuts across cultural lines. As though singing in seven languages (French, Spanish, Galician, Arabic.

Manu Chao Tour Dates

Not surprisingly, the highly political singer is no fan of George W. Bush, yet his activist pulse never interferes with his dazzling, multi-faceted music, which contains traces of everything from flamenco and griot to punk and ska. LA RADIOLINA is as much a distinct portrait of a singular artist, as it is a whirlwind tour of the global underground. Sims 3 height slider horseshoe. Product Reviews Spin (p.101) - 3 stars out of 5 - 'His skilled spirited execution sets him apart from other peacenik troubadours.' Entertainment Weekly (p.78) - 'Chao's music is so sonically vivid, so gloriously evocative, translation seems almost superfluous.' - Grade: A- Uncut (p.92) - 5 stars out of 5 - 'It's all articulated in a musical Esperanto, from the galloping rockabilly-blues of opener '13 Dias' through the frenetic energy of 'Panic Panic'.'

Down Beat (p.88) - 3 stars out of 5 - 'Musically, Chao knows how to lodge a hook into the memory.The album proves irresistible.' Vibe (p.98) - 'He can still surprise - the bluegrass edge of 'Besoin de la Lune' and the touch of metal on 'Y Ahora Que?' Are both inspiringly deft.' Average Rating: (1) (0) ecselent,the ultimate bitter-sveet!!! Manu Chao rocks,ANU album hi makes is a good one, this one is diverse and wery-wery good!!!


By (Louisville Ky USA) Review is for a different. (0) (0) Long awaited, much appreciated. Although nothing will every match the energy produced during the live performances this follow up album will most certainly satisfy. The sound has changed alot but the meaning is clear. By chjessi (Alberta, Canada) Review is for a different. Have you heard this album?

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