Feg Pa-63 Serial Numbers

Feg Pa-63 Serial Numbers 6,1/10 3030 reviews

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Hungarian feg pa 63 magazine

A friend of mine who is a lawyer in Budapest says that her father carried one in the Hungarian Army. He didn't like it, but I doubt that he had much experience with firearms.

They have also been available here in.380. Some Walthers were made briefly by FEG before they split the sheets. FEG made some Hi-Power copies, and I think the Chas. Daly example was one of them.

I wouldn't trust them as much as a real Browning, but admit to never having tried one. The sole example seen in a store looked to be well made. If memory serves, I think gun writer Mike Venturino carries a FEG.380 in his truck. He'd hardly rely on one if he didn't think it'd work. If you get one, stick a pen or pencil down the barrel and watch for any sign of movement when you decock the gun before you get too attached to your new toy. Particularly on the surplus models, the parts that compromise the safety/decocking mechanism are prone to wear. The one I had some years ago went bang when I decocked it.


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It drilled a 9x18mm round through a cheap comforter and into the foam of my futon which actually stopped it cold. I guess 9x18mm FMJ isn't the world's best penetrator, or at least the old steel case Norinco rounds weren't.

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Trigger pull isn't great and FEG isn't exactly a prestige brand. They turn out serviceable but cheap pocket guns for the Europen trade these days, some sold under the Walther banner, but workmanship and quality is certainly nothing to write home about and were worse still under the communist days of yore.

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