Patch Antenna Cst Tutorial

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and offers a nu mbe r of diff eren t sol ve rs for differe nt types of appl ica tion. Sin ce no meth od wo rks equally well in all application domains, the software contains four different simulation techniques (transient solver, frequency domain solver, integral equation solver, eigenmode solver) to best fit their particular applications. The most flexible tool is the transient solver, which can obtain the entire broadband frequency behaviour of the simulated device from only one calculation run (in contrast to th e fr eq uen cy ste p app roa ch of ma ny othe r si m ul ato rs). It is base d on the Fini te Integration Technique (FIT) introduced in electrodynamics more than three decades ago.

Antenna Engineering, Peter Knott. Tutorial Patch Antenna Design Patch Antenna Design using MICROWAVE STUDIO 1 What is CST MICROWAVE STUDIO? CST MICROWAVE STUDIO is a. This is the second part of the Inset fed Patch antenna design tutorial using CST Microwave Studio. In this part of the tutorial, we will use the dimension calculated. Get expert answers to your questions in Feeding Methods, CST, Patch Antenna and Microstrip Antenna and more on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.

Now the actual antenna structure has to be built. For modelling the antenna struc- ture, a num ber of diff eren t geom etri cal desi gn tools for ty pica l geom etri es suc h as plat es, cy li nd ers, sp her es etc. Are pro vi de d in the CA D se cti on of CS T MI- CROWAVE STUDIO.

These shapes can be added or intersected using boolean op- erat ors to bui ld up more comp lex shapes. An ov ervi ew of the diffe ren t meth ods available in the tool-set and their properties is included in the on-line help.

Design and Simulation Microstrip patch Antenna using CST Microwave Studio. 1.

AYMEN DHEYAA KHALEEL 1. 1. Introduction on microstrip patch antenna (MPA) 2.

Design MPA theoretically 3. Introduction on CST MICROWAVE STUDIO 4. Simulation MPA using CST MICROWAVE STUDIO 2. 3.

 In general Microstrip patch antennas are also known as “PRINTED ANTENNAS ”.  Operates on microwave frequencies ( f 1GHz).  Invented by Bob Munson in 1972.  Became popular starting in the 1970s 4. Basically, the Microstrip Patch Antenna consists of:  Metal “Patch”.  Dielectric Substrate.  Ground Plane.

Antenna Patch Dielectric substrate Ground plane 5.  The patch can take different shapes, such as rectangular, circular, triangular, or U-shaped, E-shaped, etc. 6.

Advantages of Microstrip Antennas:  Easy to fabricate.  Low cost, Less size.  Can be integrated with microwave circuits.  Easy to feed (coaxial cable, microstrip line, etc.).

 Easy to use in an array. 7. Disadvantages of Microstrip Antennas  Low gain.  Low efficiency.

 Narrow bandwidth. 8. Applications  in mobile satellite communication system.  Wireless LAN’S.  GPS system. 9.

Feedings Microstrip patch antenna feeds with different mechanism feedings, the four most popular are:-  Coaxial Cable 10.  Microstrip Line quarter-wavelength feed inset-fed 11.  Aperture coupled (slot) Feed  Proximity coupled Feed 12. 13. To design a Rectangular patch antenna.

There are four essential parameters which are important to know:-  The operating frequency (f˳).  Dielectric constant of substrate (εr).  The height of the dielectric substrate (h).

Phased Array Antenna Cst Studio


 The height of the conductor (t). The other parameters:  The width of the patch (W)  The length of the patch (L)  The width and length of the Ground plane and the substrate (Wg)(Lg).14. There are a a lot of methods for analysis microstrip patch antenna:  The Transmission Line model.  The Cavity model.  Method of Moments (MoM). The Transmission Line model is the easiest of all 15. The Transmission Line equations  To Find Width (W)  To find the effective dielectric constant  To find the effective length  To find the fringing length (∆L)  To find the actual length L and the width and length of the Ground 𝐿 𝑔 = 2 ∗ 𝐿 𝑊𝑔 = 2 ∗ 𝑊16.

To design the microstrip feed line (inset-fed)  The input impedance is usually 50 Ω.  The width of Microstrip feed line (Wf).

 The length of inset (Fi)  the gap between the patch and the inset-fed (Gpf) usualy 1 mm. 17. Example:- To design a microstrip patch antenna with the microstrip feed line (inset-fed) work on for WiFi 2.4 GHz.  The operating frequency (f˳) = 2.4 GHz. FR4 material have:-  Dielectric constant of substrate (εr) = 4.3.  The height of the dielectric substrate (h) = 1.6 mm.  The height of the conductor (t) = 0.035 mm.

18. To calculate the W, L of the patch by using the equations:-  C = 299792458 or 3. 10^8 m/se  f˳ = 2.4 GHz or 2.4.10^9 Hz  FR4 ► εr = 4.3, h=1.6 mm, t= 0.035 mm  W≈ 38 mm, L≈ 29 mm, Fi≈8.85 mm 𝐿 𝑔 = 2 ∗ 𝐿 𝑊𝑔 = 2 ∗ 𝑊 19. To calculate The feed line width Wf Or using transmission line software or CST  Wf≈3.137 mm 20. Parameters mm W 38 L 29 Fi 8.85 Wf 3.137 Gpf 1 Lg 2.L Wg 2.W ht 0.035 hs 1.6 The Parameters 21. 22.

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Monopole Antenna Cst

23. 24. CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® is a specialized tool for the fast and accurate 3D EM simulation of high frequency problems. Along with a broad application range, it offers considerable product-to-market advantages: shorter development cycles; virtual prototyping before physical trials; optimization instead of experimentation. CST EM STUDIO® is an easy-to-use tool for the analysis and design of static and low frequency structures.

Applications include: actuators, brakes, EMC, generators, measurement, motors, sensors and shielding. CST PARTICLE STUDIO® is a specialized tool for the fast and accurate design and analysis of 3D electron guns.

This new software is based on the multi-purpose electromagnetic solvers of the CST STUDIO family and incorporates their powerful modelling capabilities in addition to successful algorithms of the MAFIA-TS simulators. CST MPHYSICS STUDIO™ is a tool to analyze thermal and structural mechanics problems. CST DESIGN STUDIO™ represents a universal platform to manage the entire design process of a complex system beginning with a first layout and closing with the final solution. By constructing elementary sub-systems, the user can analyze the behavior of the complete system in small segments. CST PCB STUDIO™ is a tool for the investigation of Signal and Power Integrity and the simulation of EMC and EMI effects on Printed Circuit Boards (PCB). CST CABLE STUDIO™ is a tool for the analysis of SI, EMC and EMI effects in cable systems including single wires, twisted pairs as well as complex cable harnesses.

Patch Antenna Cst Tutorial

CST MICROSTRIPES™ is a powerful 3D electromagnetic simulation tool, used extensively for solving challenging radiation problems including complex antenna structures, installed performance, EMC/EMI/E3 issues. 25. 26. Create a new project 27. To Determine units 28.

To the frequency range 29. 30.  Chose CST Microwave studio 31.  Chose Antenna (Planar) 32.

Monopole antenna cst

Parameters mm W 38 L 29 Fi 8.85 Wf 3.137 Gpf 1 Lg 2.L Wg 2.W ht 0.035 hs 1.6 The Parameters For design a microstrip patch antenna with the microstrip feed line (inset-fed) work on 2.4 GHz for WiFi.

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