Look At Lan Portable Ware

Look At Lan Portable Ware 5,6/10 78 reviews

This is a subreddit to post links to specific tools you would recommend to other sysadmins, and then to discuss them/help people in the comments below. Give a rundown of your toolbox/things you use on a daily basis! I feel like can be flooded with other non-specific posts much of the time, and thought this might be a good idea to give people more direct links to things they might need. Please put the operating system in brackets in the link title, so people know what OS it is for. This sub is for tools to administer ALL operating systems, not just Windows. I can't believe how often I find myself using this program, and I had to move my work rig to Windows 8.1 (no comments, please).

Look At Lan Software

Look@LAN 2.5 will not install, even in compatibility mode. Does anyone know of another IP scanner that will let you build profiles for each network? I used to just be able to click 'servers' and it would scan the netblock and return the names and network status of each. I made tons of profiles for each VLAN here and it was so simple. Anyone have any alternatives?

Look@LAN is a Portable application that allows a user to monitor which clients are connected to a local network. Look@LAN Portable Network Monitor. How to make Look@LAN Portable: Download the Look@LAN Installer. Folder Compare Freeware; Portable Disk Cleanup.

Look@LAN is a network tool that can scan the whole network and provide useful information about every single connected client, as well as detailed graphs and statistics. The interface of the program isn't the best we've seen, so it may take a while to get used to it, but the help file is always there to lend you a hand if you got yourself in trouble.


Look At Lan Windows 7

A full scan of the network takes anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on how large the network is, with Look@LAN showing the online and offline IPs, as well as details on every single online client. Of course, you can define your very own scan ranges and the statistics you want to access. In addition, you can check a single host at a time, as long as you know the hostname or the IP. A proof scan on a single client shows round trip time, hostname, TraceRoute, NetBios information and the active services, along with ports and additional information. You can always initiate an “Advanced Traceroute” and get even more detailed stats, plus a bunch of graphs to monitor the host closely. The “Settings” menu is divided into multiple parts, namely “Network Settings”, “SNMP Settings”, “Trapping Configuration”, “Edit PortScan Services” and “Sound Effects”. The “Network Settings” screen allows you to define the time interval to ping every IP address, the pause between pings and a bunch of other values such as refresh and scan.

Look At Lan

Look at lan software

Look@LAN runs on low computer resources and works on most Windows versions, but Windows 7 users need administrator privileges to scan the networks. All in all, Look@LAN is quite a handy tool, not only to network administrators but also to regular users who want to keep an eye on a given host.

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