Windows 8 Pro Get Into Pc Desired
I have an RT tablet and updated it to Windows 8.1. The update basically performs the new PC setup.
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I can't get past the 'Sign into your Microsoft Account'. Clicking 'Next' does not allow me to proceed (and provides an error hint for an email address).
- Aug 22, 2013 Windows 8 got a new look and has more performance than windows 7. You can Download windows 8 pro from here. Everything you think about above all.
- Apr 11, 2015 Skip “Sign in to your Microsoft account” (Windows 8.1 Setup)? Windows 8.1 IT Pro. Performs the new PC setup. I can't get past the 'Sign into your.
Repeatedly clicking 'Next' with no information has not allowed me to bypass the screen (I've tried 20 or 30 times now). Clicking 'Don't have an account' does nothing because its not linked. The other two options are 'Create an account' a 'Privacy statement'. I don't want to create an account for this tablet, and I'm not interested in Microsoft's perverted terms of service for an account.
In Windows 8.0, we were given the option to use local authentication (if I recall the name correctly). The link was basically hidden, but it was present. How do I bypass this f.king feature? Or how do I go back to Windows 8.0? went through the same thing and was frustrated. I was about to give in and create an account when I discovered this. Why can't this be on the previous screen.
Why you no use common sense Microsoft? As I said on another thread: Man I hope the FTC opens an investigation on Microsoft business practices. If this were examined in detail, I bet this would violate antitrust due to the illegal tying of services. (And you can't opt-out of the ad programs that are piled onto these 'features' - you can only 'personalize' the ads). And its not just Microsoft - its Apple and Google, too.
Actually IT IS NOT COMMON SENSE! Common sense would be for Microsoft to use the existing accounts, since it is an 'upgrade', without EVER prompting one to do anything else. Anything less that that is NOT common sense.But the practice of tricking people into giving up their email address and/or creating/signing in to Win 8 with a 'Microsoft' account etc is just plain EVIL! It is NEVER in the best interest of the user to give out personal info just to use an OS. And for Microsoft to trick people in to doing so by HIDING the options to avoid it should be criminal.
At the very least it is extremely immoral of them to do so. Metro/Start is nothing but a mini monopoly waiting to happen, just like the new Office 365. It should be avoided AT ALL COSTS!
By DEFAULT the ONLY moral option that should be offered by Microsoft is to setup an account that DOES not EVER want to know your real name etc so that ALL web surfing etc is 100% anonymous, so much so that Microsoft can't even tell who you are. Nothing less than that should be illegal to say the least. But lets face it those powers that be that own our government are not about to let that happen. Heaven forbid they can't track us and spam us at will, not mention making it easy for the NSA to spy on us etc, and Microsoft is not about to step up and do something to protect their customers form such intrusion.l In fact they want to be in on it so that they can get a cut of the profits. In fact they would like to fix it so that they will get a cut out of ALL the spying and spamming that goes on on the internet and is one of the main reason they want your email address. HOW DISGUSTING!!!!! The real correct answer is that Microsoft STOP collecting email addresses and starts recommending that users NEVER give real info when setting up Windows or any other software etc and that they are encouraged to use pseudo names for the account.
Never a real name or email address. Anonymity on the web should be guaranteed by MS not the opposite. I just did a scratch install of Win 8 then an an upgrade to 8.1 for evaluation and testing. First it doesn't by default use my existing accounts and tries to trick the unknowing, normal, not a TECH user in to giving up their personal email etc it then moves the desktop option so it is not as obvious. Then when you are in it it the 'so called' start button they added just takes you back to metro. You have to right click on it to get anything like the Win 7 start button.
I have not found a way to get rid of it so that the only start button I have is the 3rd party one I installed to get back a Win 7 type of start button and gain some proper control over MY system. The update was so stupid it couldn't even remember how I had my resolution and dual monitors setup.
It seems to be totally oblivious to my Win 8 setting. What a failure of Microsoft. What JUNK!!!!! As thing currently stand I am going to have to recommend to my customers that they don't WAIST their time on the Win 81.
Update as it buys them NOTHING but trouble and actually makes matters worse. What JUNK WARE! It now thinks my two wide screen monitors are square boxed. It will not give me a an option that matches my native resolution. (I have Dell monitors and am using a Dell opti 755 with an AMD video card installed) Win 8.0 did this without me installing a single driver.
Win 8.1 should be called '8.0 - 1' as it is less intelligent that the original 8.0 was. It also does not even seem to know that I have two monitors, although it is showing a picture on both of them in clone mode.And the stupidity and evil of MS continues. I tried to install my PREFERRED start button, a 3rd party product that worked excellently on Win 8 but the new Win 8.1 Junk Start button keeps coming up not the one I want, and my system keeps booting in to the CRAPWARE Metro instead of the desktop which is what I WANT IT TO DO! How disgusting!!!! Ralph I'll keep posting my observations and any fixes I fine here as I continue to evaluate Win 8 vs 8.1 etc.
At least for today anyway. I don't want to waist to much time on it as the real answer to 8.1 is to simply NOT install it. DUH, and that is COMMON SENSE. Same sequence most folks go through. Miss a few carefully hidden steps.
Become flabbergasted that Microsoft has made it worse than the OS it's replacing. Figure out that there's nothing of merit in the Metro/Modern side. Slowly and steadily discover 3rd party tools and configuration tweaks that bring the functionality you need back.
Sims 3 height slider download. Young Cruz’s girlfriend would definitely be history because she would now be a lot older, but he wouldn’t be a fairy and the only problem (other than learning skills again) would be the cost of the house, I might have to cheat Uhm, what to do? I know she still gets phone calls from her suitor, but I am not sure that relationship would work anymore. Aside from all that, Cruz studied his way through all the gardening skill books and earned himself the motherlode reward (I do that with all of them).
Start over with a clean installation, this time armed with more information, and get more things right this time. I wrote a book on it just so I could keep it all straight. And yes, it's just barely possible (with an UNPRECEDENTED amount of trouble and 3rd party software) to get Windows 8.1 to be about 100% as functional as Windows 7. The only problem with all this is that for all your trials, tribulation, and trouble you get a NEW system that's just as functional as the old one. I didn't say 110%. If you're not looking to spend money in the Microsoft App Store for toys, there's really no compelling reason right now, other than the intangible benefit of 'keeping current', to upgrade.
That benefit will, of course, grow over time, until it will be as ridiculous to continue running Windows 7 as it is today to be running XP. Contrary to popular lore, Windows 8 / 8.1 aren't even any faster overall than Windows 7.
I did the testing. The only thing Windows 8+ offers is faster bootup time, owing to some trickery that actually comes with a downside.Noel Detailed how-to in my eBooks. THANK YOU for your justified retort (IT IS NOT 'EASY' in any but a 180 degree definition of the word), as well as the further justified excoriating of win8.
I really am OS -agnostic, and win8.1 is the one which would push me into the loving embrace of linux, were it not for some specific must-have applications which are windows-based. I can get just-as-good-or-better equivalents for most everything but a few programs. Win 7 was a damn decent OS, and really had few complaints about it: THE NUMBER ONE thing i require of an OS, is to be stable, and get out of my way. Win7 did that. TOTAL bullshit for a desktop computer (where i was 'forced' to get it, and i'm damned if i'll pay the bastard for another copy of win7 because win8 sucks that bad). My better half laughed at me and mocked me for my cursing during my initial (and STILL) attempts to use win8; then.SHE. had to sit down at my computer to get something done, and she - who NEVER cusses- was swearing at win8 within 3-4 minutes.
THE NUMBER ONE thing i require of an OS, is to be stable, and get out of my way. Win7 did that. We think a lot alike. After a great deal of analysis, research, and testing with VMs to determine what it would take to turn Windows 8 into a workable, serious system, I finally moved up from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 (fresh clean install from DVD). EVEN WITH an unprecedented effort an number of 3rd party applications to restore Microsoft-deleted functionality, EVEN THOUGH I never see the Metro/Modern side (and in fact couldn't run a Metro/Modern App if I wanted to), it turns out that Windows 8.1 is really no more functional than Windows 7. Really, seriously, the ONLY thing I can do that I couldn't before (without 3rd party software) is mount an.iso file.
I've got it to be just as stable as Windows 7, thankfully. That is to say, perfectly stable. I reboot only once a month, when Windows Updates require it. I've got it to be just about as functional as Windows 7 on the Desktop (Start button/menu on the desktop via Classic Shell, Aero Glass via Aero Glass for Win 8.1, etc.). But after ALL THAT - it turns out Windows 8.1 is a few percent slower than Windows 7.
Windows 8 Pro Get Key For Windows 7 Downgrade
I've done rigorous testing and benchmarks on identical hardware. Not really worth changing to unless, like me, you really want to prove it could actually be done, and you like to 'keep current'.Noel Detailed how-to in my eBooks. Yep the user experience is really bad. Not intuitive at all, I don't know why they haven't put this button in the first screen. Windows 8 is so bad a memory management, I heard 8.1 is doing better so i'm going to try it. Though, I can't select the version of windows update.
Although I'm on a french version of windows it wants me to go through the korean update. Apparently you can choose your language or region in windows store preferences, but once again you need to login to MS account to do so. So i'll update manually. Consultant at BSE Consulting Korea
Sttiger wrote: your a. All you do is spam. And quit spamming.
I almost hate to ask, but who are you responding to, sttiger? The most recent post I see above yours, and a number up thread including mine, describe how to make a local account that's NOT connected to Microsoft's cloud. In fact after a scan of the whole thread I don't see anyone describing how to create a Microsoft account - it's all about creating a local account where you're NOT logging into the cloud. Perhaps you might want to read just a bit more carefully.Noel Detailed how-to in my eBooks.
MS fortunately takes all complaints seriously. Check out windows 10, (down-loadable now as a tech preview) has the start menu back like Windows 7, an the right side looks like window 8. I also looks a lot cleaner.
So far in has become very stable and I plan on installing it on my tower. I run ten on my laptop. Windows 8 is MS's way of promoting their cell phone OS, which turned out top be a bad idea as not everyone in the world uses all things Microsoft.
All in all, the best thing about window ten is you get a free upgrade from 7 and 8 so go for it. There will be a few bugs to work out but by far, much better then trying to learn an OS that is a copy of a cell phone OS, not everyone has a touch screen. I will be installing ten very, very soon, and hope to do away with one annoy feature that I can not find an answer for on windows 8.1. Updates keep installing Visio 2013 updates, and I don't run Visio on my pc. Every time I uninstall all 20 of these dang updates, I have to reboot, and the updates get put right back on.
Since the updates that occurred on the 27th of Jan, 2-015, my sleep mode and hibernation turn the system completely off, so I am trying to figure out why that is happening. Seems the best option is to installing windows ten after backup up this version of OS.
Nomad247, 37 states, 8 countries, how did I get stuck here???!!!! It is the single biggest enemy of end users. Tracking for pattern recognition and, eventually, far, far worse. Once systems have collected and analyzed enough data about a person, they will be able to begin anticipating a person's habits and moves before they happen, as each 'question' posed to the system, about an individual, can be a 'yes or no', purposefully cut and dry question, because there is a 50/50 chance of 'guessing' right. BUT, when you calculate in ALL the insane amounts of data that the trackers have and are collecting, that data can be used to support or detract form that yes or no, on levels that will, no joke, essentially make them able to accurately predict any person's habits without ever having to track them again, because it can all be used relative to another piece of data, and so on down the line. Like bread crumbs or a chain link.
Hope this helps someone. I installed Windows 8.1 fresh from within a VM, and I simply disconnected its network and I was able to just create a local account. I imagine that this works fine with physical hardware as well; just ensure you do not have a network connection when installing. As an FYI, when I couldnt get around creating a account, I simply turned my system off, took network off of it, and rebooted it. I was dropped right into the system setup screen again, so no need to reinstall. My sister just got her new Windows 8.1 Lenovo today and having the exact same problem. She has a gmail and the f123ing thing won't even let her get past the registration with a Google.
If it doesn't work by tomorrow, I'm calling Microsoft Customer Service or just signing my sister up for a Microsoft Account because apparently this stupid fu12ing windows 8.1 is putting a lot of stress on my family. Goddamn Windows 8.1! I'm glad I didn't upgrade my windows 7's to windows 8.1! Fu12 windows 8.1. Do you hear me?
Fu12 Windows 8.1. Best Advice I could give you is to read the fine print. You'll learn a lot. There might be a reason they are not letting you through It's all explained in the terms and statements. And it also provides plenty of good support websites you can go to. Oh and trying about 30 times only makes it worse.
If anything know that they're looking out for your security, and too many attempts is a red flag. Try giving it about 24 hours. If you can not then you can always get on the support line.
Or if your an oldie like me.get on the phone! Best of luck to ya.
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Windows 8 Much lite and fastest operating system. But many people ignore it Because Start Menu not liked. You can Also for your laptop and Desktop.