Directadmin Not Working After Install Debian
Silverlight Not Working After Install
I'm trying to install a Comodo SSL certificate on a shared server, which has directadmin installed. SSL certificate in Directadmin not working. Home » Installing TYPO3 » Installation on Debian linux » Symlinks not working Debian / DirectAdmin / suPHP. Problems with install after creating ENABLE_INSTALL.
Yada Camera Not Working After Install
After installation Directadmin does not work on OpenVZ VPS when browsing service directadmin status directadmin dead but pid file exists tail /var/log/directadmin/error.log Check the value of your ethernetdev=eth0 setting in your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and the output of /sbin/ifconfig 2010:07:10-12:44:01: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0: No such device 2010:07:10-12:44:02: The ip of this machine does not match the ip in the license file. Check the value of your ethernetdev=eth0 setting in your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and the output of /sbin/ifconfig 2010:07:10-12:44:11: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0: No such device 2010:07:10-12:44:12: The ip of this machine does not match the ip in the license file. Check the value of your ethernetdev=eth0 setting in your /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf file and the output of /sbin/ifconfig Edit: /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf replace ethernetdev=eth0 with ethernetdev=venet0:0.